What Is Cooling Tower Water Treatment?
Dec 21, 2021Cooling towers are large, complex pieces of equipment that need routine maintenance to operate efficiently. Water treatment is perhaps the most important part of any cooling tower maintenance plan. Most building owners or managers wisely choose to contract with experts for this service. However, if you are responsible for this aspect of your building’s maintenance, you might be wondering what exactly a cooling tower water treatment program entails.
What Is the Goal of Cooling Tower Water Treatment?
Cooling tower water treatment is any process that adjusts the chemical makeup of water fed into an evaporative cooling system. Left unaltered, water circulating through a cooling tower can quickly cause problems that decrease efficiency and ultimately lead to costly breakdowns. For example, water being introduced to an evaporative cooling system might have a high concentration of suspended solids, resulting in scale formation and corrosion. Or, your system might be susceptible to the introduction of organic matter that can cause biological fouling.
How Is Cooling Tower Water Treated?
When it comes to cooling tower water treatment, there is no one-size-fits-all approach. An effective program will account for a wide array of factors, such as the chemical makeup of water being fed into the system, manufacturer specifications for your cooling tower, local regulations regarding water discharge, and more. In most cases, maintenance will entail a combination of filtration and chemical water treatment. A water filtration system is an effective means of addressing suspended solids while chemical treatments are important for controlling alkalinity, chlorides, sulfates, organic matter, and a variety of other potentially harmful impurities.
Learn About Cooling Tower Water Treatment From the Experts
For commercial and industrial facilities in Florida, R2J has been the go-to provider of cooling tower water treatment since 1982. Contact us today to learn more about what cooling tower water treatment is and why it’s important.